Case Study
Zgrada Pools – Construction Marketing

In 2024, we embarked on an exciting journey with Zgrada, aiming to make a significant impact in the construction marketing sector. Our collaboration kicked off in early January, and we hit the ground running. By the end of the month, we had generated 20 leads, and this impressive number doubled each month for the next three months.

2024 Q1 vs 2023 Q4:
  • 50

    New leads per month vs historically only getting 4-10 a month.

  • $4M

    Worth of new opportunities created in 90 days.

  • 50%

    Increase in conversion rates from users visiting the site.

Digital Catalogue Audit: Social Media Marketing| Pay Per Click (PPC)| Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)|

The Client

Our success was not just about the numbers; it was about the synergy between our teams. Zgrada is the epitome of our ideal partnership. With a forward-thinking and visionary leader at the helm, they embody the spirit of innovation and aspiration that aligns perfectly with our mission. This strong foundation allowed us to craft and execute strategies that not only met but exceeded our goals.


Working with Zgrada, we realised the immense potential we had to dominate the market. Their commitment to excellence and our expertise in marketing created a powerful combination. This case study explores our collaborative efforts, the strategies we employed, and the remarkable outcomes we achieved together. Join us as we delve into the story of how we and Zgrada are set to lead the way in the construction marketing arena.



Project Details

Short-Term Wins

  1. Google Ads Campaigns: We launched Google ads across two different campaigns, utilising varied bidding strategies to maximise our reach and effectiveness. This approach allowed us to quickly generate a significant number of leads and increase visibility in the construction market.
  2. Website Upgrades: We focused on enhancing the Zgrada website to eliminate any friction points for inquiries. By optimising the user experience and ensuring a smooth, seamless process for potential clients, we were able to increase the conversion rate and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Mid-Term Plans

  1. B2B Partnerships via LinkedIn: To build stronger B2B relationships, we implemented an outreach tool specifically designed for LinkedIn. This tool enabled us to connect with key industry players, fostering valuable partnerships that contributed to Zgrada’s growth.
  2. Increased Lead Volume with Google Ads: We targeted a higher volume of leads through Google ads while maintaining similar daily budgets. By refining our strategies and focusing on efficiency, we successfully reduced the customer acquisition cost (CAC) and achieved more with the same investment.
  3. Consistent LinkedIn Content: We maintained a steady stream of LinkedIn content, engaging our existing network with relevant and informative posts. This consistent presence helped reinforce Zgrada’s brand and keep our audience informed and connected.

Long-Term Domination

  1. Optimising Organic Rankings: To reduce our dependency on Google ads for new business, we invested heavily in optimising Zgrada’s organic search rankings. This six-month project involved extensive SEO efforts and content creation, which ultimately led to high-value conversations and long-term growth. By focusing on sustainable, organic growth, we positioned Zgrada as a leader in the construction marketing space.

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